Step 1:
Dig a hole in a straight line, with an approximately level bottom. (Forgot to take this picture) Tamp down the soil in the bottom of the hole. You can use a hand tamper, but since i didn't have one, I used a brick like a heathen.
Step 2:
Fill the hole part-way with special gravel that is designed for this purpose. The special gravel tamps together well and is a nice sturdy base. This layer needs to be pretty much level, but don't kill yourself leveling it. Tamp down the gravel (again, hand tamper or brick.)

Step 3: On top of the gravel, add special leveling sand. As before, special sand is important because when you tamp it, the grains lock into place and don't shift around. Regular sand is shifty, hence the term "shifting sands". This level must be level.

Step 4 - 65:
Apply blocks. Level blocks side-to-side and also front-to-back. You don't want a wall that is lean-y in any direction. If a block needs adjustment, pound on it with a rubber mallet. If you don't have one, put a piece of wood on top of the block and hit it with a brick. Thats what I did. Once the blocks are all in place, backfill behind the wall with soil.

I used wall blocks that have a lip on the back, so they don't need mortar. This is much more DIY-friendly than cinder blocks, which must be mortared. The lip on the back of the block slides up against the back of the block below, so as the soil behind the wall pushes forward on the blocks, they lock more tightly into place.

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