Today was Greenhouse Day! It is the day my new greenhouse arrived!!! The greenhouse was a graduation present from my in-laws (WOW! Such wonderful in-laws!) and I have been waiting anxiously for it to arrive. It arrived on an 18-wheeler! It was pretty funny to see such a huge truck navigating our little tree-lined street. The poor truck driver did not think it was very funny, but he did comment on how excited I was to have it arrive. He asked what I was going to do with it, and I said "PLANTS!" ;)

Greenhouse Day is now a local (very local, just our house) holiday around here.
The greenhouse arrived in 4 boxes, so I have a lot of assembling to do...

This little latch makes me very excited, because I can see myself using it every day for the next 5 years. Plus the redwood frame is just gorgeous:

I need to fix up the spot where the greenhouse will live. The backyard is not super sunny, so this is the best location (maximum sunlight). There is also the added benefit of increasing the privacy of the patio, since right now the neighbor's look directly onto our patio from their deck. The greenhouse will block the direct view without blocking light. Perfect!

Next blog post will be about prepping the spot. Today it's raining, so hopefully this weekend!
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