Applying bleach to the floor did a great job of decreasing the house stink down to a 2 out of 10 on the stinkiness scale. On dry days, the smell was almost gone. On rainy days, though, there was still smell. Sigh. Take 3.
Our third attempt to control the smell was Kilz oil-based sealer and primer. The goal was to seal the subfloor so that stinks were no longer able to ooze into the air.
Here are the befores (note large stains on the subfloor):

And afters. It's not the best paint job ever, but it does cause water to bead up on the surface. I hope that means it will keep smells in. It does mean when somebody spills something liquid on the carpet, the liquid will not be able to soak into the subfloor the way the pee did. Oil primer is sure stinky in its own right though . . .

Here is a closer view of the floor. I left some areas unpainted just for convenience, but I made sure they were stain-free areas. I ran the edge of the roller on the tack strip, but I didn't want too much paint on there since the tack strips need to be functional later.

I actually kind of like the super-clean look that the bright white floors give the upstairs. We are going to give the primer a few days and then see how the house smells. . . .Right now it smells like a chemical factory.
To be continued!
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