The house still had a bad smell even after the carpet was out. It is easy to see the huge pee stains on the subfloor in the picture. My first offensive strike against the smell was Glade scented baking powder. The house did smell nice at first, but because of how much the subfloor had absorbed the bad odor, baking powder just didn't get the job done.
Round 2: Bleach! We diluted bleach half with water and sprayed down the floors, focusing mostly on the stained areas. The preliminary results are in: success! The bleach made a huge difference. The smell in the house went from a 5 out of 10 stinkiness after carpets were removed, to a 2 out of 10 stinkiness. (Before we removed the carpet, I would have called the smell a 7 or an 8)
Another "ew" picture:

By the way, here is the official stinkiness scale, between 1 and 10.
0. regular air.
1. Musty basement.
2. Burned dinner.
3. Bradford Pear trees in bloom.
4. Dog poop.
5. Skunk.
6. Garbage truck.
7. Rotten broccoli.
8. Sulphur volcano.
9. The truck that empties port-o-potties.
10. Burning waste from the sewer treatment plant.
We are going to see how the bleach holds up over the next few days and then make a decision about how much further to go along this path against pee-smell. Whats your guess? Will it work?
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